Pricing & Delivery


Prices are displayed ex-GST and inc-GST

Prices do not include delivery; they are based on local factory pick up.

Some items we need to cost and price for you last minute. These items will indicate "Ask for Price" simply click on the button to send us a message for a current quote.


Light Items/Small Packages

These items are normally dispatched by Australia Post

Heavy/Bulky Items:

Heavy and Bulky items are shipped by road transport Australia wide.


While most items are available for immediate delivery, some items may need to be transferred from our suppliers warehousing facilities or manufactured as required. 

If your items require shipment; they may be shipped direct to you from our suppliers facilities whether they are local or from overseas. This assists us to deliver your goods promptly without double handling or increased freight costs.

When we deliver goods to your dorr they are delievered with all door to door charges included.

Local Self Pick Up:

You may pick up your goods from our facility at any time by prior arrangement.